Serve Our Church


Followers of Jesus are called to become servants. We want to actively demonstrate self-sacrificial love by serving those both in and outside the church. It takes volunteers to pull off the many gatherings taking place each week. We are a family, and like a family, we all pitch in.


Your involvement at Eastridge Park matters because your service really makes a difference. The opportunities listed below describe many of the service opportunities where we need your help. Please look around and then contact the leader for the ministry you would like to volunteer or call the church office at 972-279-7201.




Formerly ‘Senior Adults’, the purpose of this ministry team is to encourage all of the adults in our congregation to participate in activities that foster spiritual growth, educational pursuits, evangelistic outreach, and fellowship with others.


The Assimilation/Membership ministry provides visitors with information and assistance that will aid in making them feel at home in the church. We provide membership classes for prospective new members, information and mentoring to new members to integrate them into the membership and develop a spirit of friendship and love founded on a common commitment to serve our Lord. 


The children’s ministry provides assistance and support for the Children’s Director in planning, promoting, and implementing activities and events for pre-K children and students in grades K-6, and provides a means to help young people grow up in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ so that they can become the next generation to reach the world with the Good News of the Savior.


This ministry team provides the church membership with a realization of its opportunity and responsibility for Christian service to its own community, and to lead the membership in Christian action within the community.


The Education ministry provides direction and accountability for adult Sunday School Programs as well as evening and mid-week programs, training, leadership programs, and other Christian educational events.


The Evangelism Ministry Team oversees the evangelistic emphasis of Eastridge Park. This team organizes training opportunities for members to confidently share their faith with others. It is also the goal of this team to find new ways of reaching the lost with the message of Christ.


Fellowship seeks to encourage relational growth within the church body by organizing regular fellowship opportunities. Through fellowship we build relationships with each other and with our heavenly Father. The team encourages, plans, prepares, and serves at all fellowship functions.


Global Outreach is our missions arm both at home and abroad. We provide and foster a world vision within the church and lead in planning and administering the worldwide mission ministries. Our basis for action is Acts 1:8, where “Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” are our Mesquite/DFW Metroplex, Texas and the U.S., and worldwide.


Legal/Affiliations provides recommendations to the general board concerning: Church Constitution and Standing Rules, documents and contracts, and church property and assets. The team reviews compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and is responsible for fostering the relationship between the congregation and other affiliations.

Prayer Circle

The Prayer Circle provides the opportunity to meet together on a weekly basis and pray for our members, our church, our country, and our world. We develop the “prayer list” for each week from prayer requests we have received, and send the list to members who wish to pray with us daily but cannot come to the weekly meeting.


The Property ministry team provides for the care and upkeep of all properties of the church.


Stewardship provides the membership with an understanding of the full meaning of Christian stewardship, and directs the financial program of the church.


The Worship/Media ministry team oversees the worship order and other aspects of Sunday morning worship. The team provides support services and training for the audio/visual needs of Sunday morning worship and other events, and provides assistance in planning special seasonal ministries.


The Youth/Young Adults ministry is designed to provide assistance and support for the Youth Director in planning, promoting, and implementing activities and events for students in the grades 7-12 age group, and for college students and young single adults (age 18-25). We provide opportunities for study, fellowship, and service.